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A fabulous recipe, a fabulous book and a very important life lesson! #lowcarbmeals #secrettohappiness #howareyou

Meatballs with Zucchini Pasta Recipe

500g Premium Beef Mince
500g Pork Mince
2 gloves garlic
2 tablespoons soy sauce
1 egg
½ cup breadcrumbs

Rolled into small balls and left in fridge for at least an hour.

Brown meatballs in a little oil in a fry pan.
Added to a slow cooker with a tin of tomatoes, your favourite spaghetti sauce and add fresh basil.
Cook for 2 hours on medium heat.

Serve over sliced zucchini with Parmesan cheese and fresh basil to your liking.
(Once zucchini is sliced into pasta shape with a peeler or a Spiral Slicer, put into fry pan with a little oil for a few minutes only. Serve onto each plate. At least 4 large zucchinis for a family of 4)

To be honest I don't usually follow a recipe well. I am the type of cook who throws in a dash of this with a splash of that. So please play with this recipe and add what you like e.g. Onion is nice too if chopped very finely. I dont believe in hiding veges in food. Once our daughters were old enough to feed themselves I gave them a selection of salads and vegetables to try. These days they love all types of foods and flavours. 

The idea behind serving zucchini as pasta is not to hide the vegetable but to replace the pasta when there are too many carbohydrates on the weekly menu or if someone in the family has an issue with gluten. I like the idea of the zucchini adding nutrition to the meal as well.  

*Thankyou my lovely sister in law Jo for all the times you have cooked meatballs for us. My meatballs are never as good as yours but this recipe is a hit with my teenage daughters (and the low carb option a treat, as it is lighter to eat and healthy too.)
‘The Untethered Soul’ The Journey Beyond Yourself by Michael A Singer.

 Well I have started my blog with a recipe this week as my friends from Facebook wanted to know more about a picture I put up of dinner last night. You never really know what you are going to find on this blog hey!

This week I really wanted to share with you how much I am enjoying a book called, ‘The Untethered Soul’ The Journey Beyond Yourself by Michael A Singer. Although it was first published a few years ago it really is something special. You know when you read something and it makes so much sense. 

This book is exactly what I need to hear right now. I want to get in touch with Michael and have a discussion with him about his book. I want to call the friends I know, who will also love the message the book offers and discuss Michael’s ideas. I want to live in the way he is suggesting. It sounds blissful.

You can hear the same inspiring message in a hundred different ways and then you listen to a particular person or you are at a particular stage in your life and the penny drops. This book resonates with me on a very deep level and to put it simply, it makes me feel so happy.

The last time I heard someone make so much sense, was when listening to Eckhart Tolle at a retreat he ran in Coolum. I admire their clarity and feel very grateful for the information they share about mindfulness, self responsibly and how truly beautiful life is.

Michael invites us to let go of the facade, that is the image we have created around ourselves. It is a lot of work to maintain this story. I am really going to try his way of living, pushing the boundaries of my safety net and seeing what is beyond this comfort zone. A life free of limitations is surely a great option and a pathway for happiness and deep inner peace.

There is something I do personally experience and that is what I call 'getting into the zone.' When a book like 'The Untethered Soul' really supports a personal direction of being true to myself and creating a happy life, I become very clear too and enjoy the synchronicity we can align with. 

An example is when a man called Simon stopped me yesterday when I flew past him outside the apartment. 'How are you?' I said with a rushed smile. He pointed out that I hadn't once stopped to find out how he actually is. 'I hope you don't think I am rude but I don't answer you when you ask that question.'  Simon explained kindly. Here I was in the middle of a busy city being told by a man to slow down and take the time to listen. 

His lesson will change me forever. I stopped fully and asked with all my good attention, 'So Simon, how are you?' Simon did share something with me that was going on in his life and it was a reminder that everyone we meet has their own battles and challenges. I believe when you set an intention to be clear, to be a better person and to be willing to grow and live a happy life, synchronicity will support that direction. 

 Salad for lunch with Steph - we put together fig/feta/ prosciutto/tomato/rocket/pinenuts/lemon/balsamic
 Walking with friends to the Lunar Market presented by the NSW Food and Wine Festival and see this!
Centennial Park - fabulous summer walk thanks to those who protect our trees!!

 Bondi to Bronte Walk - the energy here is quite breath taking!

 Sydney Harbour - divine


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