Noticing the breath - A Simple Audio Practice By Nel Hunter
When we first begin working with the breath to calm our nervous system, we can feel it is challenging to make any changes. We hear that we should be breathing at a certain pace or in a certain way and possibly think we are doing it wrong. I believe the best place to start is to simply notice the breath at different times of the day and in a range of circumstances.
Sometimes it can feel tight and restricted, other times smooth and steady. Without judgement or expectations, just be curious as to what the breathing patterns are in the habit of doing when we are rushed or frustrated, compared to when we are doing something we enjoy. The aim is for the breath to eventually support an awareness of our inner steadiness. For now, simply be witness.
I have recorded a practice for you to enjoy. The link is below:
Please note that this Breathwork practice is best tried in a chair sitting upright or lying down if you are quite tired today but not when driving a vehicle.
Breathwork One
Take a moment to notice what your breath is doing
Feel if the air is cool as you inhale and warm as you exhale.
Let the breath flow in and out smoothly.
There is no need to change it too much.
The aim is to be curious and aware of what the breath is doing, in this moment.Relax as you exhale and draw the breath in naturally, effortlessly.
Feel as if you are tuning into a harmony, within you and around you.
Let the breath be smooth and gentle.
There is no need to change the breath too much.
It might just be slightly lengthened.
If you are quite familiar with breathwork
you might like to try to have the inhalation
around the same length as the exhalation
but a this stage our main goal is to be witness to the breath.
If it feels comfortable, keep your attention with your breath a little longer.
Again, feeling if the air is cool as you inhale and warm as you exhale.
And now I invite you to notice some detail in your environment, as you breathe.
Let your senses awaken.
What can you see where you are?
Let your focus settle on something and remain there for a moment
before moving gracefully onto the next detail.
Can you notice both breath and your point of focus?
(If you would like a break fro the breath focus you can just
focus on the present moment detail instead.)
Can you hear sounds way off in the distance?
Can you gently draw your attention closer to your body
and discover sounds nearby?
You might like to let your own senses wonder around this present moment,
curious about what simple details catch your attention most.
And if you are able to, notice your breath at the same time
even occasionally doing one round of an inhalation and exhalation
watching within this present moment -
always a soft, non judgemental curiosity.
We are witnessing the breath flow in and out smoothly
and connecting you to a steadiness, a calm.
You might even begin to notice the details inspire gratitude or even wonder.
If so, can you feel this gratitude in your body?
It could be the simplest detail you have found
but something you really enjoy having in our environment.
You might even imagine that you can breathe this gratitude in
and it helps you relax as you exhale.
Let's stay in the present for another moment or two.
Relaxing and release any tension as you exhale.
So lets stay in the present moment
for another moment or two.
Relaxing and releasing tension and you exhale.
Feeling fully awake, sitting upright, alert and yet relaxed.
- Senses awakened
Fully present and curious about the breath and this moment.
Noticing that occasionally our attention is drawn elsewhere
and just gentle drawing it back for another moment or two
Aware of your own witnessing presence
that can go off into the distance
or come right in close.
Connecting with the sensation of appreciation.
and how wonderful it is to be in this ordinary moment.
And as we complete our practice for today
you might like to have a lovely stretch
aware of your body and if it needs a little twist
or to raise your arms up a little.
Shaking your hands - Wriggling your toes.
Releasing the breath awareness for now
but you might like to have the intention to hold
some of that grace and gratitude for the rest of the day.
Have a wonderful day.
Nel Hunter
Find me on Instagram for more farm photos.
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