The sheep need sorting this week but I slept in!

We are having a very relaxed school holiday break with lots of good company, good food and fun but in the back ground, there is still a farm to run. Sorting the sheep is on the agenda this week and Howard's day began at 5.30am before the heat. He kindly let his trusty assistant sleep in but I did help move the sheep back into the paddocks later in the morning.
The farm looks really dry now and the dust is starting to trail along behind the ute and surround the stock as they slowly  move along the road side. Two of our four daughters are lending a hand too. They are on the four wheel motor bike and somehow understand Howard's limited directions that go something like this, 'Take them along that fence, through the double gate and towards the paddock with the big dam.' They get it right. I feel more like a visiting photographer today but I do have a blog to set up you know! I open gates, hear about hay prices and wait for a while when Howard is on the phone. A man calls asking if we have any oats to sell. Thanks to this new blogging venture I am seeing the farm with fresh eyes. I enjoy listening to Howard's manner with the man on the phone. He sounds like he is talking to an old friend, although they have never met. We don't have oats to sell but I am asked to text this guy a good contact we have who may be able to help him. That seems to be how it goes in the country, being a good mate and lending a hand is part of a farmers make-up and my guess is, that is part of what they love about this really tough industry.

Next blog...Our plan to get fit together.


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