I didn't plan on being a farmer!

I didn't plan on being a farmer... It just so happened I fell in love with this kind man who happened to work on his family farm. For almost 21 years now I have lived 4okm from town but my involvement  in the farm has been minimal. My priority has always been caring for our four daughters, the home and juggling my off farm income work but this year has a completely different feel.

This year the farm is my 'creative project' focus, as I endeavour to learn more about how the farm is managed outside of the office. It is such a treat to be able to grab moments outdoors to take photos, practice yoga and really experience farming, dust and all. There are no lovely rivers running through the place nor the rolling sea I would dearly love to be closer to. There are no lush rain forests or towering mountains but there is beauty here.

What I love is the wide open spaces, the sun rising and setting, the birds visiting the garden, the stars at night, the sweeping breeze and all the aromas of our Australian landscape. Fortunately we do experience every season here and the photographs will show the colour change throughout 2013. It will be wonderful to see a whole year laying out on my blog.

So am I a farmer? Perhaps of sorts...A couple of years ago Howard and I went off to a farming workshop and I found myself sitting amongst a group of men who were the 'real deal'. As we introduced  ourselves I realised I had been involved in farming longer than many of the men, and actually knew a whole lot about farming by default. Often when you feel like your on the outside looking in, it is easier to see were money is being wasted or things could be managed differently. Howard and I have probably spoken more about the farm than anything else but what influence I have had over how our business is going today, I am not sure of.

One thing is true, it is probably about time I felt that I am a 'farmer' even if it is different from the stereotype we are used to. Perhaps the feminine energy a women brings to a farm should be recognised. You don't need a truck licence to make a farm a wonderful place to be!  


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