Enthusiasm drives our goals so I am working out what fuels my enthusiasm!
We are on our way to meet the girls for breakfast at a bakery in Sydney
before heading on the highway again. The sun is rising over the ocean and I just cant miss the opportunity to drive to the end of the street and get my
camera out. A storm is coming in and the sea looks deep and wild. It’s a great
start to the day.
This week my intention is to 'be enthusiastic'. I am already very enthusiastic about my photography (as you have probably noticed). The things I photograph are inspiring and interesting to me. Time slows down and everything is put into perspective. I love it! It is fun to think about how I can express enthusiasm about other aspects of my life...parenting, farming, travelling to and from Sydney, grocery shopping, bookwork, housework, enjoying friendships and family.
Enthusiastic people are cheerful, they are excited about what they are doing, they are fun to be around. Enthusiasm can be found in a conversation or across our country paddocks. You can see it, you can feel it, you can hear enthusiasm. It is easy to have a great attitude about what we love. So the secret to bringing enthusiasm into other things is to make them interesting.
-The girls enjoy our grocery shop because they are involved in choosing and preparing meals at home. If they are involved they are interested and a great help when we shop together. We enjoy it.
-I don't mind travelling and really enjoy our trips to Sydney because we always have lots of fun. Listening to an audio biography or great music helps with the travel hours too. (And knowing where the great cafes are along the way in preference to the truck stops)
-I enjoy the book work these days because Howard and I set business goals together and have a clear vision for the direction we re heading together. I feel a part of what we are doing. You have to value yourself for others to value you and find ways to contribute that are interesting.
Now how do I feel enthusiastic about the housework?? OK I am going to buy some new house magazines and try to emulate some of the design ideas with the furniture and decor we already have at home...there.. I already feel more enthusiastic about tomorrow.
It is easy to be enthusiastic about parenting. Mum taught me that every stage is beautiful and she is so right. Every stage is challenging and I often feel like I don't know enough but I LOVE being a mum to four daughters!! I am most enthusiastic about listen to them. I want to hear about their day and how they are going, what their goals are and all their ideas and interests, their good days and hard ones. I will always have time to listen to these young women, always.
I think what is fuelling my enthusiasm is yoga. Yoga shifts apathy, low energy, unclear thinking, unproductive emotions. You can start out feeling tired and unmotivated, and practice yoga for a while and wind up feeling centred and on top of things again.
If enthusiasm drives our goals, than I need yoga and photography in my life, because these things fuel my enthusiasm in an effortless and natural way. If I am not enthusiastic about an aspect of my life, it just means I have not found a way to be creative enough yet!!!
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