Can we really make New Year Resolutions come true?
First Sunrise photos for 2014!!
Turning good intentions into New Year
The alarm goes off at 5.20am and I stumble
into some walking clothes, grab my camera and head out to see the first sunrise
of the year. The paddocks are in darkness as the first light appears in the
distance. The sky dominates the landscape and the slow rising sun turns the
wisps of cloud from red to burnt orange. The morning is quiet.
I think about New Years Resolutions. They
are an opportunity to highlight an area of our life we would like to improve or
a chance to be really clear on what we would like to manifest in 2014. I don’t set
a resolution lightly. It is a commitment not,
a ‘should, a could, a what if or a maybe.’
A New Years Resolution is a ‘Yes I
can, yes I will.’
We could probably put every New years
resolution into one and say, ‘I commit to making great choices, building on my
self discipline and establishing a confident sense of self worth. I take
responsibility for taking my dreams and turning them into reality by having the
discipline to see it, believe it and make it happen. I know that my New Years
Resolutions are not to be put on the shelf, under the mat, on the bottom of the
to do list or behind the excuses. Our New Years Resolutions are hope,
potential, freedom, kindness, satisfaction and joy. ‘
Many Resolutions will depend on a vision, a
plan, a habit breaking and a commitment. You can say, ‘I’d like to loose
weight,’ but if you cant see it, don’t believe it, are not prepared for it and
are likely to cave on the first emotional day, then your kidding yourself.
Personally I’d like to meditate more regularly.
With Dru yoga and meditation I can see that I will only be a great teacher if
my practice is great. Having the ability to create potent stillness at some
point each day becomes incredible tool for health on every level. I want it in
my life every day and to show others how valuable it is but I need to believe I
can take my practice to the next level and have a concrete plan to make this
Can you imagine your life without excuses,
complaints, limitations and the habits that hold us back? They are the heavy backpack
we carry around. They make life seem hard and heavy. New Years resolutions lighten
the load by adding hope but the new responsibility is self-control. Habits
stick like glue but they can be changed.
The reward of busting through them will make 2014 life changing!
Sunset 2013...
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