I bathe in the bliss of a life well lived.

I feel very mindful of the impact the overseas holiday has had on me and it is interesting to note the resistance. Addressing the 'to do' list and the urgency of what 'should be done,' doesn't seem so important any more. I want to sit by the fire in my holiday state and let winter flow gently into the warmer seasons.

It was a shock at first, this 2 degree weather, after basking in the Mediterranean sun but now I accept that we have returned to the farm in all its green glory, for we have been blessed with good rain and a crop that has kindly decided to raise its head above ground and look healthy and lush.

Brooke is in her lovely routine of rushing from the school bus to horse back. She could not know how good her life is but I see it, as I do my own. I bathe in the bliss, of a life well lived.

Words get in the way......



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