The first game of Polocrosse is in the thick fog and we are loving it! #australianpolocrosse

I picked Emma up from school early Friday afternoon and we ventured along the Hume Highway from Sydney to Jugiong, despite the chances of blocked roads caused from the heaver snow fall the night before.

 Emma was back at school in Sydney but very keen to play Polocrosse with the Harden team  and it was my job as her mum to make sure she could participate in the carnival with Brooke. Howard had the job of bringing Brooke and they where traveling from the farm with the 2 horses and all the gear.

After driving through the snow near Berrima, Emma and I stopped at Goulburn to do the grocery shop and buy some extra woolen layers, gloves and beanies. I had agreed to camp in the horse float but when the weather dropped below zero I booked the Jugiong Motel and we climbed into our electric blankets late Friday night, sleeping until 7am.

Emma and Brooke are passionate about Polocrosse and the weekend couldn’t have been better. The first game was in the fog and frost, steam coming off the horses backs as soon as they warmed up. Although I had booked the motel for each evening, I was determined to help and enjoy every moment with the Harden Polocrosse team.

My parents arrived and some of our family friends. I was so grateful they arrived and we had so much fun together. We sat in the stand and cheered on the girls and their team mates. Then we enjoyed a hot drink and cake in between games, while the girls rested their horses and dried their gear. 

The scene that unfolded was exquisite. Yes it was extremely cold each morning. Yes you had to stand by the fire once the sun went down. But it was so picturesque with the Jugiong hills appearing as the fog lifted, the passionate riders with their fit horses moving from field to field, the little birds dancing and darting around our feet by the early morning camp fire, the frost melting on the fence posts, the coffee steaming, the smell of egg and bacon rolls.

I felt mindful, grateful, interested and in wonder of the mid winter scene unfolding and the talented horsemanship, the mate ship and the organization before me. Driving back on Sunday evening, after the carnival presentations, I had lots of energy and remained very mindful giving Emma her hug goodbye at the boarding school steps.

Although I hadn’t camped in the horse float, I gave those girls my full attention when they needed it. These days I do spend my time with great awareness and intention. We can be more careful how we spend our money than how we spend our time. When in an unhelpful headspace it is very difficult to settle emotions and enjoy the moment for what it is.

I could have thought of the weekend as freezing cold, uncomfortable, busy and tiring but I chose to see the beauty. I may not be a Polocrosse player or a particularly good horse rider but I was a passionate spectator. It is a weekend I will never forget.  

We made a beautiful memory.     


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