Your daily mindful living guide

Your daily mindful guide for awakening your most empowered self. Simple practices enhancing present moment awareness.

'Inside each day we are awakened to a new beginning. A chance to give grow, and create the life of our dreams.' Adele Basheer.

Please print this guide and place it on your desk, fridge or mirror in your main bathroom. The aim is to be reminded daily of all the ways you can bring your attention to the present moment. Mindfulness reduces stress by creating a healthy mindset that inspires helpful thoughts, words and actions. Mindfulness also boosts a sense of present moment happiness, gratitude and wonder.

Ultimately we are awakening the inner witness, the part of ourselves that is deeply at peace during all life's ups and downs. It is brave, strong, courageous, whole, complete, kind and loving. When you connect with this true wise self not only do you start enjoying the present moment but you really begin to embrace being you!

Mindful living can align you with your true purpose, passion and creative talents. It helps you relax and have more fun, while being productive and efficient with your responsibilities.
Mindful living puts what matters on top and ensures you don't miss a thing.

'When we bring our attention to the present moment we are sitting in the seat of the highest self. ' Nel Hunter

Daily mindful practice
[] Notice your full calm breath
[] Listen to all the sounds around you
[] Taste your food with great awareness
[] Enjoy all the aromas today
[] Appreciate the sensation of touch
[] Take in all the detail you can see
[] Notice every part of your body
[] Focus on the movement of your body
[] Let your attention rest at the heart
[] Stretch your body and release tension
[] Be creative today and capture the present moment
Eg . Photography, painting, poetry, sketching, collages [] Be attentive to the people around you
Eg. Listen well, comfort, encourage, enjoy
[] Daily deep relaxation
[] Set a daily intention, 'Today my intention is to be..'
Eg. Calm, friendly, kind, patient, organised, funny, confident [] Daily self care
Eg. List all the ways you can nourish and care for your own body, mindset and true highest self today.

By. Nel Hunter
Book a private mentoring session for more information.
21st March 2016

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