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How to have a 'wide awake' day.

"A few years ago, when teaching meditation privately, a young mother made an interesting comment to me. While in meditation she could hear a bird singing just outside the window. “I loved how the bird was coming and going. It seemed so close,” she said. I explained the bird was in fact there, singing the whole time.  She was coming in and out of mindfulness. It made us wonder what we are missing by being drawn out of the present moment over and over again. What do we not hear, see, taste, smell and touch? There is such a richness to the everyday, if we can remain curious about the details. I don’t know about you but I don’t want to miss a thing! Mindfulness can be a way of life that grounds the body in steadiness, a mind-set in wonder. We can ‘achieve’ our goals without the inner anxiety that comes with rushing, using mindfulness as a coping tool." Instagram by Narelle Hunter (narelle.hunter)  




Firstly, I would suggest you aim for a 10% increase in awareness to start with. We are not going to turn into ‘masters of the present moment’ overnight. A simple intention to become more awake to the details, can offer many benefits. Let’s look at some mindful options. 


1.     Witness the sky – what is it doing today?

2.     Notice colours – Is there a dominant colour in the landscape or room? Can you find a colour that is subtle and less noticeable?

3.     Take a deep breath and become aware of the aroma and temperature of the air.

4.     Discover sounds way off in the distance and draw your attention to sounds that are near. 

5.     Pick up a leaf and crush it in your hand, noticing texture, aroma and shape.

6.     Take a bite of a piece of fruit – slow down and notice the fullness of flavour. 

7.     Look for the light in the day. Is it touching the leaves, the tips of the grass, your skin? 

8.     Feel the temperature of the day, without labelling it as good or bad.

9.     Cover your ears and hum. Can you feel a vibration in the head area? Imagine it soothing your whole nervous system. 

10.   Write some of the new things you discovered in a notepad. 


Adding just a little mindfulness to your day can connect you to an inner strength and calm that can serve you well in a range of situations.  




This is a big topic but I want to share that the only way I can get back to sleep, if I wake in the night is by coming into the present. I notice my body, warm and relaxed or my breath. I witness thoughts coming and going but try not to engage with them, drawing my attention gently back to the body and breath. 


Awareness is key. I recently studied the beautiful Dru Ayurveda Health Coaching Diploma. The information offered has enhanced my ability to make daily choices that support my current and future health. Mindful, intuitive choices are steps forward, while unconscious unhealthy habits are steps back. Finding the flow begins in the present moment. As I prioritise my self-care and the mindful way I choose to approach each day, old habits slowly shift and I feel really pleased with the life that is manifesting. 


*If you want to know more about Dru Ayurveda, a great place to give it a try is on the Ayurveda Cooking Immersion Day taught by Mouli MacKenzie and Greg Carlin, coming up Sunday 6thAugust (live online.)  

As my friend, you can access the 50% off deal. 




Having a 'wide awake day' starts with a pause. Either sit in meditation or out into the garden and set your intention to notice more detail. Choose something specific from the list above to make the goal simple and achievable. Mindful living is something you can build on over time. 

Mindfulness can range from a 5 minute pause to taking a walk with intention. It can be as simple as putting social media away during meals and limiting negative conversations as you taste the food. Basically it is the act of taking in this moment, imperfections and all. It is leaning towards peace and contentment, thanks to all there is to be in wonder of and despite all there is to distract us from the steadiness we are capable of.  

Lately I have been asking that all barriers be removed. It is a non specific goal that seems to be working wonders, as the present moment comes to my attention with less and less effort on my part. Perhaps the present moment isn't something we are supposed to be aware of but something we are to become??  

 Following a meditation or mindfulness practise, 

take a few minutes to note what you enjoyed about the experience and what you found challenging. If you have any further questions you will find me on Instagram at narelle.hunter Feel free to DM me.   



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