This is Australia #harvest #snakes #21stbirthdays #sunsets #thankyous #blessings
Sunset at harvest time echo’s with the
rumble of trucks, headers, bikes, utes, tractors and chaser bins. The men and
women work in sync as the grain is cut from the paddock to the header, from the
header to the chaser bin, from the chaser bin to the truck and from the truck
to storage. In our case the grain ends up at Bribbaree silos or in silos and
storage bags on farm. Howard and I look at the grain prices in the heat of the
day and decide to sell some wheat while the price jumps a little higher.
A big brown snake turns up at the office
door and three of the men stop work to try and remove him from the garden to no
avail. Howard ducks home late and mows the grass low so we can see the snake on
his return, while I be a good farmers wife and attend to the chicken casserole
and scones.
Its funny how everyone is happy to do huge
hours each day, sometimes from 7.30 am until 10pm or later, as long as we are
fed well. What is in your lunch box is suddenly of great importance as it
breaks the monotony, together with the audio books and ABC radio.
I run and meet a friend for afternoon tea
who is not feeling well but she is so unwell that she doesn’t make our meeting.
I sit in the coffee shop and write to her, while making notes for my meditation
app. The day is hot and the coffee shop is quiet. I feel pleased that my friend
knows I was here for her, even if she had to go home.
And as the sun sets in all its pink
splendor and we all run along doing our best I enjoy the contented feeling
that….all is well this evening.
And to top of a lovely week we enjoyed Stephanies 21st Birthday party together with her friend Emily. The girls put on the most wonderful celebration as we gathered in the garden with family and friends. I cant believe we have a daughter who is already 21, my goodness!
As we work each day in our farming business and I pursue my personal goals, let me make myself load and clear, these beautiful girls between Howard and I are our priority. Nothing makes me happier than to see these young women feeling happy, confident and aware of the impact they have on the environment around them.
Wow we have been blessed and to give thanks for this, I will always endeavour to be a person who makes a difference - its my way of saying thank you.
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