How can our farming business benefit others globally? #positivefarmingbusiness #australianfarmers #mindfulness #druyoga

 I cross the great divide from my office in Woollahra to the dusty paddocks of Bribbaree and jump in the tractor with Howard. He has been up all night baling hay and enjoys the company as it helps him stay awake until 11am. By late morning the hays moisture will be getting too dry to bale. We will have to wait until the cool evening air returns before hay baling continues.

In the photos you can see the lines of oaten hay being rolled into windrows. It was cut 3 weeks ago and is now ready to be fed into the new baler. As this side of our business is growing we took the plunge and invested in this new piece of equipment and so far it is going really well. Although it does mean Howard has to work nights at times when there is no driver available. He seems pretty happy with his new toy and big day sleeps so far.

My bookwork is up to date and took a third of the time in our little Woollahra office space. It is a great base for when visiting the girls and meeting with our city clients. We have staff arriving soon for harvest at home and we feel well prepared for the juggle of school events, supporting the girls, office and outdoor farm workload and the fun we plan on squeezing into the mix. (and I am still writing by book, its going well)

Once all the hay is stacked in the shed Howard and I are ducking off to a Dru Yoga event together. When yoga and meditation plays a big part in my life, everything flows well. When I put it off to the side, everything seems busy with a dash of drama. With yoga I am mindful, content, calm, clear and motivated. Without this knowledge integrated into my life, it’s all about what happens on the outside, not the inside. As the business grows I would love Howard to find something for himself too, it may not be yoga but we all need to add a little fun into our weeks.

 I am not interested in just making money with Howard and I am not interested in what my life looks like to others. I am interested in how we can make a difference to the lives of others. My motto used to be, ‘The aim of all success is to be happy at home.’ These days I would extend that to be, ‘The aim of all success is to be happy within yourself and for this happiness to have a wonderful impact globally.’

As our farming business grows may our true selves align, so the benefits overflow towards those who need a helping hand.


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