Today is the best place to start with your greatest plans. #courage #noprocrastination #daretobebrave
Howard is out all day. He is preparing for
hay baling and harvest. We are both taking orders for our bulk products and
preparing storage. After the rain last week there is an air of optimism. Summer
is making its way into the softness of spring, the trees are covered in leaves
again and the flowers are adding colour to the garden. Everything has come to
life. It is really lovely out here at the moment.
Quite a distraction actually!
What I would like to commit to this week is courage.
The changes we know we need to make, cannot
be put off until tomorrow.
Yesterday I attended a service in
celebration of my dear friend and neighbour Helen. Helen lived 20kms from me
along a dirt lane that I loved to travel to see her. It seemed appropriate to
listen to classical music while looking
out across the hills towards her home. We would drink tea in her garden, collect
plant cuttings and talked about all sorts of things with the birds dancing
around us. Helen was a mentor to me and very ahead of her time as a countrywoman,
living with passion, creativity, intuition and definitely courage. She was an
incredible entrepreneur and a dear friend who always asked me to bring over my
writing so I could read it out loud. We would sit under her trees and hear about each others lives, coming up with business ideas. At one stage I was offering massage treatments in the cottage, in Helens incredible garden while she offered high tea, as my girls played fairies. I will miss Helens spark and her joy but
when back in her homestead yesterday, the tea was flowing again and I realised
that she very much lives on, in her family and friends and in her garden too.
‘Dare to be brave’ Helen would say and she
walked the talk.
And so I shall live courageously giving my
ideas wings this year and cutting off the dead wood that are old unhelpful
habits. Lets see what happens! Fun !!
Big discussions in the paddocks on late evening sunsets
The lovely Woollahra Library and its view!
Love the Archon Design products at the Woollahra Markets!
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